Who am I? and What am I doing Here?
I am interested in becoming a Librarian. I volunteer at my local library, and at a school library. Through this volunteering, I am familiar with the Dewey decimal system. Even though numbers easily confuse me, I can keep a nonfiction section in order. I can also keep a fiction, and biography section in order. (Thankfully, those sections are alpabetical by author/topic) Another thing that I learned through volunteering is that Story Hour is one of the simple joys of life. Story Hour is the one time where you can sing silly songs, do crafts with GLITTER, and listen to some of the greatest books ever. From Dr. Seuss, to Eric Carle, all of the books are wonderful. I am so fortunate to still be participating through helping the little ones enjoy their craft time. Story hour is the only "job" where you get to listen to storys, sing songs, play with the flannel board and scream the ABC's while you work. My friends do not understand why I tell them of the fun I had singing, "there's a hole in the bottom of the sea" and "be kind to your webbed footed friends", but the little ones taught me to enjoy life. Although on some days I do get tired trying to keep up with them, I owe them so much for giving me a new outlook on life.
I enjoy reading all types of books, from political books such as The World is Flat to fantasy books such as A Wrinkle in Time and Harry Potter.
As you can see, I am still learning the ins and outs of Library Science, advice is always welcome. I do know that there is more to this field than shelving, sorting, and checking out books. I am curious to see other standpoints on Library Science.
I am interested in becoming a Librarian. I volunteer at my local library, and at a school library. Through this volunteering, I am familiar with the Dewey decimal system. Even though numbers easily confuse me, I can keep a nonfiction section in order. I can also keep a fiction, and biography section in order. (Thankfully, those sections are alpabetical by author/topic) Another thing that I learned through volunteering is that Story Hour is one of the simple joys of life. Story Hour is the one time where you can sing silly songs, do crafts with GLITTER, and listen to some of the greatest books ever. From Dr. Seuss, to Eric Carle, all of the books are wonderful. I am so fortunate to still be participating through helping the little ones enjoy their craft time. Story hour is the only "job" where you get to listen to storys, sing songs, play with the flannel board and scream the ABC's while you work. My friends do not understand why I tell them of the fun I had singing, "there's a hole in the bottom of the sea" and "be kind to your webbed footed friends", but the little ones taught me to enjoy life. Although on some days I do get tired trying to keep up with them, I owe them so much for giving me a new outlook on life.
I enjoy reading all types of books, from political books such as The World is Flat to fantasy books such as A Wrinkle in Time and Harry Potter.
As you can see, I am still learning the ins and outs of Library Science, advice is always welcome. I do know that there is more to this field than shelving, sorting, and checking out books. I am curious to see other standpoints on Library Science.
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